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![]() These are some of the best hints I've found:
Level guide, by PC Gameplay, http://www.pcgameplay.co.uk
This is a walkthrough for all levels after act 1.
Cant be bothered to read it? Download the document and read the sections you want. Download/Open (open it then save the file to your documents for most computers.)
Act 2: Lut Gholein
Quest : Radamants Lair
'You get this quest by speaking to Atma at the local Inn. The entrance to Radamants Lair is easy to find- just wander around the town for a while until you find a trapdoor on the ground. (also by the docks theres a entrance.) Level 2 of Radamants lair (the sewers) has a waypoint marker so activate this before you go down a level so you can quickly zip back to town to heal and get potions. The sewer is full of burning dead, burning dead mages, burning dead archers and poisonous dried corpses so fire based attacks and resist poison abilities are useful here.'
'Once you find Radamant, wade into him. He can resurrect his fallen buddies so its a good idea to use any cold or freeze based attacks. If you shatter a foe in this way its gone forever and can't be resurrected. The Necromancer can also use raise skeleton on bodies to prevent Radamant from bringing them back to life.'
'Once you've defeated Radamant, grab the book of Skill and read it to get a skill point to spend. Now search the area for a chest that contains the Horadric Scroll.'
Quest : The Horadric Scroll
`Next up is the Horadric Shaft. This is on level 3 of the Sand Maggot Lair located in the Far Oasis area. The Maggot Lair has narrow passageways so if you have any minions with you, things can get crowded and confused. The creature guarding this piece of the staff is Coldworm, a powerful opponent indeed. Stock up on plenty of health and cure potions, as there's plenty of opposition to wade through in order to reach the Horadric Shaft. Cold and freeze based attacks are good here. The maggot-like creatures you encounter spew smaller maggots that attack you in numbers. Freezing the larger creature slows them down enough for you to waste them. Once you kill coldworm, a powerful poison starts to saturate the area. Leave the are until the poison diminishes. You may find that a darkness falls shortly. Quickly portal back to town and talk to Drognan for more information.
`The final piece of the staff is the Viper Amulet- this forms the head of the staff. The amulet is found on Level 2 of the Claw Viper Temple located in the Valley of the Snakes, somewhere in the centre of the general area. The amulet is in the altar that you have to smash in order to dispel the darkness so you can complete two quests in one stroke here. Once you have it head back to town, put the shaft and the amulet into the cube and click on the transmute button to restore the shaft.'
Quest : Arcane Sanctuary/Summoner
'You reciev this quest, which overlaps with the Summoner quest, from Drognan. he tells you to go and speak to Jerhyn outside the palace. Jerhyn informs you of trouble within the palce itself and he asks you to explore the area.'
'You need to make your way down through the Harem and three levels of the cellar areas to reach your destination. Level 2 has a waypoint marker so activate it on your way down to make returning easier if you die. When on level 3, make your way to the portal to the Arcane Sanctuary (it's in the central area of the level); click on it to activate it.'
'This very bizarre area contains the summoner- a tricky opponent who has Horazin's Journal, which is a book that tells you the location of Tal Rasha's tomb. The Summoner can hit very hard but is relatively weak. If you are a melee character, break through his friends and quickly clobber him to end his days. Resist cold or thaw potions are critical here as you'll be hit with Ice Blast frequently. The Barabarian can use the leap ability to quickly move in on the Summoner. Necromancers might want to try summoning a Golem next to the blighter so that it can wade into him. Once done, head back to town to heal and sell any loot you have collected.'
Quest: The Seven Tombs
'Speaking to Jerhyn gives you this quest. Make your way to the Canyon of the Magi, where you now need to locate Tal Rasha's Tomb. The trouble is, there are a number of tombs that could be Tal Rasha's. Luckily, each has a symbol outside the entrance. Check your quest button to find the correct symvol that indicates the tomb you need to enter (it changes each game). You can explore the other tombs if you want to level-up your character and get additonal gold or items.'
'Inside the true tomb, you need to locate the Circle of Seven Symbols. Put the Horadric Staff in the centre and a nearby wall is smashed, revealing an opening. It's a good idea to clear out as many opponents in this room and cast a town portal before you enter the opening. Duriel (the boss character) in the room beyond is seriously tough. You are going to die a few times during this battle so casting town portals in the adjacent room means you can quickly get back, leg it to your body to pick up weapons and continue chipping away at Duriel's health.'
'Melee charcters will find things tough here as Dureil does a lot of damage and has stun and knock-back abilty. If you have the cash, bring some hirelings with you. Once dead, the portal to Tal Rasha's tomb appears in the wall. Head through and free Tyrael, who is being held prisoner. Now head back to town to sell or buy new gear, speak to Cain and finaly go to see Meshif for a trip to Kurast and Act 3.'
Act 3: The Infernal Gate
Quest: The Golden Bird
'The best things to do, after you've surveyed the area to find out where everyone lives, is to head out into the woods to kill some creatures. You soon find that one of the unique creatures drops a gold figurine; take this to Mehif to begin the first quest. Meshif will give you a golden bird, which you must take to Alkor, and he tells you to come back later. Simply leav the conversation and speak to himm again to recieve a potion that, once drunk, permantly adds +20 to your health. (how can it if later diablo can kill you?!?- Webmaster)
Quest: Blade of the Old Religon
'The area in Act 3 is very large and convulted, and it takes some time to map out the areas. Go and speak to Hralti and you are given the quest to locate Gidbinn, an enchanted dagger. Search the little Pygmy village, laying waste to the annoying little devils, until you find a structure like a shrine. Click on it and a group of pygmies spawns nearby. One of them (the unique Pygmy) has the dagger. Once you have defeated the Pygmy, take the dagger back to Ormus. You'll get a free magical ring, with randomly generated abilities. Also go and speak to Asheara. Because the magical barrior is strengthened, it lessens the load on her guards and she'll give you a mercanary for free.'
Quest: Khalim's Will
'Go chat with Cain and you'll be given information on this huge, expansive quest to find the lair of Mephisto. Like the Horadric Staff quest in the previous act, this quest has you seeking out four items, albeit a little more gruesome than the staff. You must find three body parts (an eye, brain and heart) and a weapon (flail) of Khalim, and ancient preist. Again, the Horadric Cube is used to transmute these items into a special magical item called Khalim's Will. '
'The eye is found in the Spider Cavern located within the Spider Forest. Be sure not to confuse the Spider Cavern with the Arachind Lair, a common source of frustration for many players! Fire resistance comes in very handy against the creature guarding the eye. The brain is found on the third level of the Flayer Dungeon in the Flayer Jungle. It's guarded by a witch doctor called Endugu. He's not particulary tricky to deal with so simply take him out, grab the loot and head back to town.'
'Khalim's heart rests on level 2 of the sewers benath Kurast. You can enter the sewers at two locations, Upper Kurast or Kurast Bazaar. You need to locate a lever that opens the entrance to level 2. Once on that level, its best to deal with the Stygian Watchers in the water so that you can search safely. The heart is in the golden chest but there are other chests worth searching as they contain some valuable items.'
'The final item you need, the flail, is in the hands of a council member in Travincal. Its worthwhile going back to town once you arrive in Travancil for the first time. Speak to Ormus and he will enlighten you about the council members. There are three council members to defeat and they're quite tough. It may be wise to hire one or two mercenaries to aid you.'
'It's also wise to clear out the central area of Travincal and then head towards the main building are to the north. This is where the three council members will be. Use the are to your advantage and try to split them up if you can. One of them will eventually drop the flail when killed. Grab it and head back to town. Put all the peices of the body and the Flail into the Horadric Cube and transmute them to create the magic Flail called Khalim's Will.'
Quest: Lam Esen's Tome
'This quest has you searching through a number of areas searching for the Tome. There are altar-like structures in buildings within Upper Kurast and the Bazaar area that, when clicked on, desend and become staircases that lead underground. Check your automap for the red door/staircase symbol. One of these staircases leads to a ruined temple and its here that you'll find the tome. Once you find the Tome, take it to Alkor and you'll recieve 5 stat points to spend.'
Quest: The Blackened Temple
'Ormus send you on this quest to find the compelling Orb and smah it using Khalim's Will. Once done this opens the entrance to the Durance of Hate.'
Quest: The Guardian
'After smashing the Orb and speaking to Ormus, he gives you this quest that sees you entering Mephisto's Lair (known as the Durance of Hate) and confronting him. Be sure to activate the waypoint marker on level 2 to make getting back here less of a chore if (or should that be 'when') you die.'
'You'll find Mephisto quite a handful because blood lords and council members surround him. Fire resistance is useful when you tackle his pals but once you decide to take on Mephisto himself, use any electrical resistance abilities or magical items you have. He also inflicts poison so stock up on cure potions.'
Act 4: The Harrowing
Quest: The Fallen Angel
'Speaking to Tyrael, you discover the fate of his trusted Lieutenant called Izual. You must seek him out and defeat this cursed fellow in order to free gis soul. You find Izual in the Plains of Despair. He wanders about a bit so you'll just have to search him out. Make use of any resist items or spells as Izual casts Frost Nova and has a really nasty sword. Defeating this fella gives you not one but two skill points to spend.'
Quest: The Hellforge
'Cain tells you about this quest in which you must destroy Mephisto's Soulstone. To get to the Hellforge, you must cross the Plains of Despair and when you come to the City of the Damned, go down the large staircase. Be sure to activate the waypoint marker nearby before you travel on though.'
'You enter the River of Flame at the bottom of this staircase. The passageways are narrow and maze-like and, unsurpisingly, chock full of monsters galore. As you near the Hellforge you should notice a brick path and near here you meet Hephasto, the smiths brother. This fella is a tough nut so be sure to cast some town portals so you can retreat, get healed and stock on potions then get back to chip away at his large amount of health. When you eventually defeat Hephasto, he drops the Hellforge Hammer. Grab this, as its the only thing that can smash Mephisto's Soulstone.'
'Once at the Hellforge, equip the hellforge hammer and click on the Hellforge. The Soulstone will smash, giving you a number of valuable gems to pick up. Before you start slotting these into those socketed objects though, check you can't make better gems using them in the Horadric Cube.'
Quest: Terror's End
'Speak to Tyrael and he tells you the time has come to face Diablo and destroy him. At the end of the River of Flame you'll find a waypoint-activate it because you'll be coming back to it again and again, thats for sure. You have to activate five seals in Diablo's Lair in order to bring Diablo to you. However, three of the seals will randomly spawn a unique and powerful monster so watch your back.'
'Once all seals are broken Diablo arrives in all his mean glory. As you'd expect, Diablo is one tough hombre. He Spews some fearful spells, including his Falme Circle, Bone Cage and Fire Serpant. To add insult to injury, he also packs a mean melee punch too. If you try and run away from Diablo, you find he casts Bone Cage on you. The same goes for if you cast a portal to escape. He quite often slaps a Bone Cage on this, scuppering your quick escape, the devious devil. There's no set way to defeat Diablo. Blizzard has done a grand job at making the game challenging every time you play.'
'One thing you quickly realise is that you won't defeat Diablo in a single fight. You find yourself quickly running out of health potions and simply trying to stay alive. Have a town portal ready before every attack on Diablo so you can quickly make your way back to a town to get healed and stock up on health and mana potions.'
'Barbarians should make use of their strength and go toe-to-toe with him. Use the Leap skill when you see Diablo is about to cast a spell, as you can't be hit mid-leap, then move back in and start hacking. Paladins should use the Thorns defensive skill; this reflects a lot of damage back to Diablo, particulary if there a lot of points in this skill. Necromancers should employ the use of golems to distract Diablo. Also cats the Amplify Damage curse on him then attack with whatever weapon you have.'
'If you're playing as a Scorceress, use the Meteor and Static Field skills to waste a lot of Diablo's hit points. Remeber, the Static field takes a third of Diablo's hit points away. Finally, if you play an Amazon, the obvious tactic is to hit and run. Use your Decoy skill to keep the big red pest distracted and then use and imolation arrow, fired from your long warbow of heavy crossbow.'
'Of course, no matter what character you play, be sure to stock up on those health and mana potions to keep your health up and those special skills and attacks going. If you find yourself getting your ass kicked by Diablo everytime, you may be a little too weak to take him on yet. You can go back to the waypoint marker and return to previous acts and work to get your character stronger or find better weapons and armour. Pay particular attention to building up your elemental resistances (fire, cold, electricity) as Diablo uses all of these against you.'
Well thats it, good luck if you havent completed the game! and remember to download editors if you want to cheat your character to better levels, click 'downloads' at the top. Thanks.
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